Amy Gatschenberger Sandford
Licensed Professional Counselor • SE™ Practitioner in Training

- Contact Amy
Be like the bird, who
Halting in his flight
On limb too slight
Feels it give way beneath him,
Yet sings
Knowing he hath wings.
~ Victor Hugo
Do you wish you had wings? Do you wish you could sing when the struggles of life no longer offer a steady place to put your feet? Life can be hard. Losses, fear, difficult relationships, or stagnation can steal the joys of our lives. We all need a safe and supportive environment to process life to foster growth and change. As a counselor, I seek to create that space and join my clients in discovering the freedom to sing even when the ground around them is unsteady. Most of my work has been with those who have never experienced counseling before, so I welcome the newcomer! I think people who try new things, especially counseling, are the bravest people I know. I work with adolescents and adults struggling with self-doubt, life transitions, stress, anxiety, depression, and relationship issues. I am open to using creativity, play, and somatic work to process thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and trauma in the counseling room. Let’s learn to sing together!
Amy is currently only accepting virtual appointments at this time.